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Where to Get Affordable Press on Nails and Accessories in Nigeria

  Where do I get affordable quality press on nails and accessories from? We got you covered. Have you been looking for a wholesale and or retailer accessories plug? Check out the newly launched Victoria Sho Store They sell press on nails, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, shoes, bags etc. Here are some of their best seller products. Check them out and drop your reviews in the comments.

How to Set Up Google Search Console for BlogSpot

Google Search Console

If you just started blogging, setting up Google Search Console is definitely something on the checklist to do.

I would show you how to install Google Search Console for your Blogspot in 5 easy steps.

The advantages of setting up Google Search Console for your blog or website are;

  • Assessing your Google Search Performance 
  • Google Search Ranking
  • Keywords performance
  • Indexed Pages
  • Mobile Usability of your website
  • Website Impressions
  • Average Click Through Rate
  • Countries that click through your website
  • Site Maps and many more

The Google Search Console can be used as an additional feature to Google Analytics.

How to set up Google Search Console for Blogger 

1. Search up Google Search Console and sign in with the GMail account linked to your Blogger profile.

2. Enter your Blogger Link under the URL Prefix bar in the format ""

How to set up Google Search Console

3. Verify ownership using HTML Tag.

Under other verification method, click the first option using the "HTML Tag".

How to Set up Google Search Console

Click the Copy Button.

4. Paste the code under your <head> tag.

Open your Blogger Theme to edit the HTML code.

How to Set up Google Search Console

Paste the code after the <head> tag so your code should look like;

    <meta content='Your Google Search Console Property Code' name='google-site-verification'/>

5. Click on Verify 

How to Set up Google Search Console

And that's it.

It takes about 2-3 days for Google Search Console to collect relevant data about your blog site so be patient.

I hope this post was helpful.

Let me know if you had any difficulties with setting up Google Search Console i the comments and I'll try to help.

Subscribe to the blog for updates on more blogging beginner tips.

Also check out my last post on SEO tips for Blogspot 

Take care.
